The I-94 website by U.S. Customs and Border Protection is a great source of information for travelers to the United States.
One of the most popular features is the ability to query an individual’s records of entry & exit to the United States. When a foreign national enters the U.S. they are issued an I-94 record with details about their class of admission, date of entry, and authorized period of stay.
Once inside the U.S. an individual can request an extension to their authorized period of stay. Non-immigrant workers may submit an I-129 Petition.
If the I-129 petition is approved, an I-797A notice is issued with an amended I-94.
A common source of confusion (and panic) is that CBP’s I-94 website doesn’t reflect the new authorized period of stay (present in the I-797A).
However the key to clear any confusion is in the I-94 website FAQs, under the ‘What records can I access?’ question:
The provided travel history may not reflect: land border arrivals/departures, closed loop cruise arrivals / departures, air carrier reservation updates, and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS ) updates, changes of status, extensions of stay or adjustments of status. U.S. Citizen and Lawful Permanent Resident travel is NOT provided on this website.
This is not legal advice, I’m a Software Engineer documenting for my own reference, not a Lawyer.